14 January 2012

Fr Frank Grey, Carrick, Finea, Mullingar, Co Westmeath. 043 6681129
e-mail: ballymachugh@eircom.net

"Behold, the Lamb of God"
Mass Times And Intentions
Sat 14th Jan 8:00 pm.
Eileen Garry & Eugene Goldrick, Lavagh.
Servers: Natalie Kiernan. Kerry Rudd.
Fri 20th Jan 8:00 pm.
Margaret Briody, Clonoose. Months Memory
Sat 21st Jan 8:00 pm.
Mary Anne Kelly, Killakeen.
Servers: Natalie Kiernan. Kerry Rudd.

Sun 15th Jan 12 O’clock.
James Gaffney, Freeduff.  
Servers: Niall Briody. Charlie Mulligan.
Mon 16th Jan 9:30 am Mass.
Tue 17th Jan 9:30 am Mass.
Thur 19th Jan 8:00 pm.
Margaret Gaffney, Freeduff.
Sun 22nd Jan 12 O’clock.
Tommy Tierney, Dunboyne.
Servers: Niall Briody. Charlie Mulligan.
“Follow me”
John was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by, he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God." The two disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus. Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, "What are you looking for?" They said to him, "Rabbi..., where are you staying?" He said to them, "Come, and you will see" (John 1:35-37).
Today’s Gospel is from St. John 1:35-42 and gives an account of the vocation of the first four Apostles who followed Jesus. It was a momentous event in the history of salvation. It was the beginning of a stream of vocations that would grow and spread down through the ages. It was momentous, firstly, in that Christ, who had come to open heaven for all men and who could find means of bringing them all to that eternal home without help from any man, decided instead to let men co-operate with him in this divine task. He decreed to set up a kingdom in this world—his Church—which would be run by mere mortals for their fellow-mortals, but which would be under his protection and assisted by his divine aid until the end of time.
Lord, you have a plan for me.
May I reflect your love by being a messenger of justice and peace.

Our Catholic Prayers
Catholic prayers are a wonderful resource to help us to grow in love with God and with each other! How's your prayer life? Could it be better? Does life give you more stress than you can handle? Good news: You're not alone! There are over 2000 years of Catholic prayers to help save the day and enrich your life!
Remember that God is never “too busy” to hear from you. Don’t be “too busy” for him! There are some daily Catholic prayers such as the Our Father and the Rosary that take only minutes to say, yet their benefits can last a lifetime!
Catholic prayers can do wonders for your soul. God gives us joy and strength though prayer. You can get a great sense of peace in good times and consolation in bad from them. Our Lord wants to give us the good things we ask for in accordance with His will. The more we pray the more we can grow in His grace.
Grace is a gift from God that enables us to live more fully in union with Him. It strengthens our desire to choose good over evil. It also helps us to manage
difficulties in our lives better. When we feel humility, compassion, forgiveness we’re putting others’ needs before our own. These are signs of God’s graces
working within us.
When we let Him work through us, we help Him to do the same for others. We can show His love for others in how we treat them and in how we pray for them.
Still, God hasn’t promised any of us a “Rose Garden” in this life. Sometimes we feel more like we’re in the Garden of Gethsemane where Our Lord prayed in deep agony the night before His Passion. Remember though that when misfortunes or tragedies hit us, we can withstand them better with God’s help. And with day-to day problems, Catholic prayers can help turn mountains back into molehills.
Our Lord taught us to pray “lead us not into temptation,” so that we can resist temptations against His will when they hit us. Through prayer we are better able to resist the every day temptations such as envy, hatred, bearing grudges, greed, lust, and selfishness. These negative emotions don’t bring us any real joy or peace of mind.
For those people in your life who continually rub you the wrong way prayer can give you the grace to deal with them better.
Also, as Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “Pray for those who persecute and slander you” (Matthew 5:44). God wants us to pray for others, however we may feel about them (or even if we don't personally know them). Such prayers remind us that one way or another, we are all in this journey towards holieness together. Your prayers can do a world of good for others, just as their prayers can help you! 

Trust in the SACRED HEART of Jesus
Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I place my trust in Thee,
Whatever may befall me, Lord
Though dark the hour may be.
In all my joys, in all my woes,
Though naught but grief I see.
Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I place my trust in thee.

When those I love have passed away
And I am sore distressed,
Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I fly to thee for rest.
In all my trials, great or small,
My confidence shall be
Unshaken, as I cry, dear Lord,
I place my trust in Thee.

This is my one sweet prayer, dear Lord,
My faith, my trust, my love,
But most of all, in that last hour,
When death points up above,
Ah, then, sweet Saviour, may thy Face
Smile on my soul set free.
Oh may I cry with rapturous love,
I’ve placed my trust in Thee.

This prayer meant a lot to Margaret Briody whose Months Memory Mass is on Friday evening in
Ballynarry at 8:00 pm.

We remember in our prayers Pauline O’Reilly, New Inn, mother of Ursula Fitzsimons, Killakeen whose funeral took place in St Dympna’s Church, Upper Lavey on Wed last. May she rest in peace.
Study Theology
The Dominican Order is offering a distance learning theology programme, leading to a range possible qualifications from certificate level up to full honours degree level. People are enabled to study theology from home, while also attending occasional study days and benefiting from the on-line support of academic tutors. Hundreds of people have completed some or all of the programme. Contact The Priory Institute, Tallaght Village, Dublin 24. Phone 01 4048124 www.prioryinstitute.com 
Ballymachugh Youth Group
Meeting on Tuesday 17th Jan, National School members 7:00pm to 8:00pm.
Secondary School members 8:00pm to 9:00pm.
Ballymachugh Under Age
AGM on Monday 16th Jan at 8:00 pm in the clubrooms.
 Church Cleaners
Meeting of cleaners for Carrick Church in the parochial house on Wednesday night at 8:30 pm. New Members needed.

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