Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eucharistic Congress Sunday 17th June (RTE One 2:00pm)
Closing Mass of the International Eucharist Congress with principal celebrant Papal Legate, Cardinal Marc Ouellet. Pope Benedict XVI contributes a message via video-link as he adds his blessing to the week-long celebration.
What some of the speakers at the congress during the week said:
The Eucharistic Congress is “a signpost for the future” where the Church will be able to share the Good News and “say to young people you will find love, commitment and care here”, the Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin has said. This is not going to happen overnight, he added.
The archbishop, who is presiding over the Eucharistic Congress, said the Church in Ireland would be renewed by returning to its centre in the message of the Gospel and the Eucharist.
Asked about abuse, he said that people from all over the world are in solidarity with the Irish Church and he defended the many priests who love the Church and have no involvement with the sins and failures of others.
He added that the Irish Church is looking towards its own future and what are the things it wants to stress in its renewal.
This hope for the future was echoed by Alois Loser, prior if the Taize community, who spoke at the congress.
“I am sure that coming back to the essentials of our faith we will find the courage and the way for the future. We don’t know the face of the Church of tomorrow, not in Ireland, not anywhere.”
“Especially now is the question of how the young generation can be involved. They do not just continue the old traditions but want to find a personal faith. Personal conviction is the future.”
Maria Voice, president of the Focolare movement, also saw hope despite the obstacles.
“Every difficult moment is part of God’s sacred story with people. And that story has always had wonderful times followed by sadly difficult ones, times of doubt, uncertainty, of criticism. But those periods have always served for our growth, for our purification, for witness”
Eucharistic Congress Prayer
Lord Jesus, You were sent by the Father to gather together those who are scattered.
You came among us, doing good and bringing healing, announcing the Word of salvation and giving the Bread which lasts forever.
Be our companion on life’s pilgrim way. May your Holy Spirit inflame our hearts, enliven our hope and open our minds, so that together with our sisters and brothers in faith we may recognise you in the Scriptures and in the breaking of bread.
May your Holy Spirit transform us into one body and lead us to walk humbly on the earth, in justice and love, as witnesses of your
In communion with Mary, whom you gave to us as our Mother at the foot of the cross, through you may all praise, honour and
blessing be to the Father in the Holy Spirit and in the Church, Now and forever. Amen

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Eucharistic Congress 10th to 17th June
This weekend Marrion Carroll is speaking at both Masses on The Gift of The Blessed Eucharistic.
On Monday 11th June at 8:00 pm there will be an outdoor Mass in Lavagh at the site of the Old Church in
Evelyn Roe’s field to celebrate the beginning of the Eucharistic Congress .
Calendar of events at the R.D.S.
On RTE Two TV:
Sunday 10th June:        
              1:45 pm—Opening ceremony and Mass celebrated by the Papal Legate, Cardinal Quellet.
              Catholics from 99 countries and every Diocese in Ireland will join the Mass.
On RTE Radio (Long Wave 252)
Monday 11th June:
            1:45 pm—Ecumenical Liturgy of the Word
            4:00 pm—Ecumenical Service.
Tuesday 12th June:
             1:45 pm—Family Day.
             4:00 pm—Mass.
Wednesday 13th June:
             1:45 pm—Priesthood and Ministry.
             4:00 pm—Mass.
Thursday 14th June:
             3:00 pm—Liturgy of Reconciliation.
             4:00 pm—Mass celebrated by Cardinal Sean Brady.
Friday 15th June:
             1:45 pm—Suffering and Healing. Anointing of the sick.
             4:00 pm—Mass.
Saturday 16th June:
            Feast of Immaculate Heart of Mary.
             12:00 pm—Eucharist involving Young People.
Sunday 17th June:
             1:00 pm—Closing Mass (Statio Orbis). Croke Park
 Eucharistic Congress Prayer
Lord Jesus, You were sent by the Father to gather together those who are scattered.
You came among us, doing good and bringing healing, announcing the Word of salvation and giving the Bread which lasts forever.
Be our companion on life’s pilgrim way. May your Holy Spirit inflame our hearts, enliven our hope and open our minds, so that together with our sisters and brothers in faith we may recognise you in the Scriptures and in the breaking of bread.
May your Holy Spirit transform us into one body and lead us to walk humbly on the earth, in justice and love, as witnesses of your
In communion with Mary, whom you gave to us as our Mother at the foot of the cross, through you may all praise, honour and
blessing be to the Father in the Holy Spirit and in the Church, Now and forever. Amen

The Most Holy Trinity

There is one God and in this one God there are three Divine Persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father is the first Divine Person; the Son is the second Divine Person, and the Holy Spirit is the third Divine Person.
All three Persons contributed to and shared in the work of redemption. The Father sent His Son to earth, for "God so loved the world as to give His only-begotten Son."  The Father called us to the faith.
The Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, became man and died for us. He redeemed us and made us children of God.
After Christ's ascension the Holy Spirit became our Teacher, our Leader, our Guide, our Consoler.
The feast of the Most Holy Trinity which falls on the first Sunday after Pentecost, should make us mindful that actually every Sunday is devoted to the honor of the Most Holy Trinity, that every Sunday is sanctified and consecrated to the triune God. Sunday after Sunday we should recall in a spirit of gratitude the gifts which the Blessed Trinity is bestowing upon us. The Father created and predestined us; on the first day of the week He began the work of creation. The Son redeemed us; Sunday is the "Day of the Lord," the day of His resurrection. The Holy Spirit sanctified us, made us His temple; on Sunday the Holy Spirit descended upon the infant Church. Sunday, therefore, is the day of the Most Holy Trinity.
Lord, I believe, help my weak faith.