First Sunday of Lent 2 February 2012
Fr Frank Grey,
Carrick, Finea, Mullingar, Co Westmeath. 043 6681129
Mass Times And
25th Feb 8:00 pm
Mardi Baxter, Moat
Servers: Aine Goldrick. Ryan Smith
Thur 1st Mar 9:30 am
Fri 2nd Mar 8:00 pm
First Friday (Confessions before Mass)
Hugh &
Agnes Cooney, Crover
Sat 3rd Mar 8:00 pm
Paddy Ellis, Kilnaleck.
Servers: Enya
Kiernan. Sean O’Neill
26th Feb 12 O’clock
Bridie & Frank Sheridan, Moynagh and
their son Frank and daughter Eileen.
Eimear Kelly. Shania Smith.
Mon 27th Feb 9:30 am
Tue 28th Feb 9:30 am
Wed 29th Feb 9:30 am
Fri 2nd Mar 9:30 am
First Friday (Confessions before Mass)
Sun 4th Mar 12
Paddy Ellis, Kilnaleck.
Dwayne Mulvey, Roisin Coyle.
Lent 2012 'Come aside and rest awhile'
It is a time
to refresh the body, mind and spirit, in quiet prayer, in a church, some holy
place of nature, away from it all.
Maybe we could do some fasting or other penance for our sins or the sins of others, in our family, in our church, in our workplace, in the environment and think of the type of love that we are called to share with others, especially the poor.
Lent focuses
on prayer, fasting and almsgiving: all ways of taking us inside ourselves to
be renewed, and outside ourselves to love others. The real test of Christian
life is how we live our lives in our everyday. The test of Lent in the end is
not what we have done for Lent,
but what our Lent has done for us and others. It is a sacred space to get in touch with Jesus, and a sacred time to talk seriously with him William Arthur Ward wrote about fasting and feasting in Lent:
Fast from judging others; feast on Christ in them.
Fast from wanting more; feast on being thankful. Fast from anger; feast on patience.
Fast from worry; feast
on trust.
Fast from complaining; feast on enjoyment.
Fast from negatives ; feast on positives.
Fast from stress ; feast on prayer. Fast from anger ; feast on forgiveness. Fast from self concern; feast on compassion for others. Fast from fear; feast on truth. Fast from discouragement ; feast on hope. Fast from gossip; feast on silence. Fast from fighting: feast on peace. Amen |
Spring’s greatest blessing is the gift of hope.
cold, wet days and long, dark nights we are enduring will come to an end.
earth is renewing itself and, as the days lengthen and the green buds of spring
appear, spirits lift and lighten. It’s a wonderful time in the cycle of nature,
and In the cycle of
our lives, when we emerge with hope from some grief or hardship, loss or pain
that has beset us. Without hope in our lives we would tread a long, hard,
dreary path. Hope is a grace that is given to us. Even in the worst times of
life, when in pain, grief and difficulty we are lucky if we can hope that there
is light at the end of the tunnel. No matter how hard it is, if we can fan the
little spark of hope that lies deep within us, it will sustain us and keep us
going no matter what.
We believe in hope.
‘Hope does not disappoint’ (Romans v,5)
"In these days, God taught me as a
schoolteacher teaches a pupil" (Saint Ignatius).
I remind myself that there are things God has to teach me yet,
and ask for the grace to hear them and let them change me.
I remind myself that there are things God has to teach me yet,
and ask for the grace to hear them and let them change me.
In the presence of my loving Creator, I
look honestly at my feelings over the last day,
the highs, the lows and the level
Can I see where the Lord has been present?
Can I see where the Lord has been present?
me, Lord, to notice how
are speaking to me.
Before a Crucifix
O good and sweetest Jesus,
I cast myself upon my knees in Thy sight,
and with the most fervent desire of my soul
I pray and beseech Thee
to impress upon my heart
lively sentiments of faith,
hope and charity,
with true repentance for my sins
and a most firm desire of amendment:
whilst with deep affection and grief of soul
I consider within myself
and mentally contemplate Thy five most precious Wounds,
having before mine eyes that which David, the prophet,
long ago spoke in Thine own person concerning Thee,
my Jesus: “They have pierced My hands and My feet,
they have numbered all My bones.”
I cast myself upon my knees in Thy sight,
and with the most fervent desire of my soul
I pray and beseech Thee
to impress upon my heart
lively sentiments of faith,
hope and charity,
with true repentance for my sins
and a most firm desire of amendment:
whilst with deep affection and grief of soul
I consider within myself
and mentally contemplate Thy five most precious Wounds,
having before mine eyes that which David, the prophet,
long ago spoke in Thine own person concerning Thee,
my Jesus: “They have pierced My hands and My feet,
they have numbered all My bones.”
boxes are being distributed through the school. You may also pick up a box at
the church door. Your Lenten gift will make a huge difference.
many children today are loved, protected and receive more materially than they
need, for millions of others life is a daily struggle. Children in countries
such as Uganda, equally loved and cherished by their parents, are forced by
poverty to work in hazardous conditions to support their families. Children as
young as six are denied a childhood because of the unjust balance of our world.
What you put in the Trocaire box will make a big difference to them.
50th International Eucharistic Congress, Dublin.
Sunday 10th—
Sunday 17th June
Sunday 10th to Saturday 16th
June at The R.D.S.
Sunday 17th at Croke Park. It
is a gathering to celebrate the gift of the Holy Eucharist.
Theme: “Communion with Christ and with one
Having come to Mass and receiving
Jesus Christ in Holy Communion, then we go out and become Christ to one another
by living a good life, being honest, decent, kind, caring, loyal etc. A number of tickets have been
allocated to the diocese for the Mass in Croke Park on Sunday 17th June and
have been divided out among each parish. Our allocation is 9 tickets. The members of the Parish Council,
on Monday night, decided that the best way to a lot them is on a lottery basis.
If you would like a ticket please put your name in the box provided under the
tree beside the Sanctuary. The draw will be on Sunday evening next 4th March
First Friday
Frank will bring Holy Communion to the sick and the housebound on Thursday.
Mission Appeal
Donal Harney will be present at the Masses next weekend on mission promotion.
He will be making an appeal on behalf of the Mill Hill Missions.
Stations of The Cross
Lent on alternate Sundays Stations of the Cross in Carrick and Ballynarry.
Sunday evening Stations of the Cross in
at 6:00 pm.
GAA Fixtures 26th
Feb— 4th Mar
Men:- play
Shercock this Sunday 26th at 2:00 pm in Sheelin Park.
O’Raghealli Gaels on Sat 3rd March in Sheelin Park at 2:00 pm.
for Pleasure” classes with Lila resume on every Wed night 8:30 pm to 10:00
pm. All welcome.
welcome into the Christian Community James Declan McBreen, son of Tara Reilly
and Declan McBreen, Crover who was baptised in St Mary’s Church, Carrick on
Sat 18th Feb.
Ballynarry N.S.
who would like to enroll their child in Ballynarry N.S. in Junior Infants for
September may do so by getting an application form from the school. Phone 049
Ministers for March
Reader: Rosaleen Kiernan
Min: Bridie Smith
Society: Patricia
Rudd, Lorna Faraday, Maura Smith
Reader: Mark Mahon
Min: Joan Kelly
Society: Liz
Mahon, Elaine Muldoon
Counters: Mary
Reilly, Eithne Reilly.
Bell: Benny Kiernan